Thursday, January 1, 2015

Angela Sanfilippo - Gloucester Fishermen's Wives President

Dave Lincoln planned the strategy and and carried out the campaign run while Mrs. Sanfilippo was President of the Gloucester Fishermen's Wives Association.  

Angela Sanfilippo

Ms. Sanfilippo is the President of the Fishermen’s Wives Association and Executive Director of the Massachusetts Fishermen’s Partnership. 

Ms. Sanfilippo was born in Sicily, Italy.  She came to the United States as a teenager in 1963, where she immigrated to Gloucester, MA and still lives there today. Ms. Sanfilippo was awarded a Doctor of Humane Letters Honorary Degree from Salem State College for her decades long leadership in fishing communities and her efforts to protect the ocean environment. She also is a founding member and serves on the board of the Fishing Partnership Health Plan, the Northeast Seafood Coalition, Commercial Fishermen of America, the Gloucester Fishing Community Preservation Fund, and the Massachusetts Ocean Partnership. 

For over 30 years, Ms. Sanfilippo has been a consistent and constant advocate for fishermen’s rights. She worked hard to prevent oil drilling in Georges Bank and to keep Stellwagen Bank Marine Sanctuary open for commercial fishing. Ms. Sanfilippo’s passion and commitment to fishermen’s rights has made her an international figure on the topic. 

She has attended the First World Conference of Fish Harvesters and Fish Workers in India and the Second World Conference of Fish Harvesters and Fish Workers in France. In addition to her international presence, Ms. Sanfilippo is just as prominent in the United States. She has been invited numerous times to Washington D.C. to testify at Congressional hearings and was invited by President Clinton to the Year of Ocean Conference in 1998. Recently, Ms. Sanfilippo was awarded the prestigious Offshore Mariners’ Wives Friend of the Fishing Industry Award for going out of her way to care for the fishing industry.

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